#1 Son spotted this sign on Hwy 30 outside of Astoria right by the turnoff to the Eagle Sanctuary. He said, “Did you see that?”
We had to go back and check it out to make sure he wasn’t going blind. And, he was right… that was what it said.
I suppose that stranger things have happened than to have Northwest punks adopt a highway, but I can’t think of many right off the top of my head.
I’d be interested in knowing any information about this, just out of curiosity. If you know something, please comment.
NW PUNKS is a group of kids in Astoria that throw all ages benifit concerts, each show all the proceeds go to a local charity
1Remark from suckerpunch records — Tuesday, 9/6/2005 @ 7:49 PM
Thanks for the info! I knew that someone out there in blogland would have the answer.
2Remark from Judy — Wednesday, 9/7/2005 @ 2:09 PM