Knitting by Judy @ 4:07 PM

And not all that great S.E.X.* at that.

I arrived at Fiber Arts Northwest at around 11:30 on Thursday. Already the place was packed with people looking for good deals. Since there was a closeout sale on July 4th, everything was pretty well picked over. I did managed to snag 3 skeins of Madil Kid Seta in color 488, which is a yummy mauvish rosy kinda color. I’m not sure exactly what it’s going to turn into. Maybe Kiri, or maybe something else. There’s not a huge amount of yardage to work with, but I should be able to find a pattern that strikes my fancy.

My needle collection was expanded by 4 Addi Turbos and 3 Clover Takumi in various sizes. And I picked up two books: One on slip-stitch knitting and another on knit and crochet with beads.

There was a long line for the cash register. The LYSO was ringing up the sales while an assistant worked the line writing up sales slips in advance. I had put my purchases in a small plastic bag. When writing them up, the assistant noticed that the books were splitting the plastic. She found a paper bag for me to use instead and put the plastic bag inside the paper one. The paper bag was large, but I had a lunch still to eat and a ways to walk and I didn’t want my purchases escaping.

When I got up to the cash register, the LYSO said, “That bags too big for you.” I gently explained that the books split the plastic bag and that was why I needed paper. She put the old plastic bag inside a second plastic bag and said, “That should work for you.” I again explained, nicely, that I had a ways to go and (despite the “helpful” offer of the person behind me to follow along and pick up any lost items), I really didn’t want to be losing things along the way because the bag split. “Fine.” The LYSO said, and with that she threw — and I mean threw — my purchases into the paper bag that was resting on the floor. “Is that good enough for you?” I was a little startled, but I said, “Yes. Thank you. That will be great.” And I took my bag and my purchases, checked to make sure nothing was broken, and left.

I’m sorry her shop is closing, and I sympathize with what must seem like a terrible loss. But I was not trying to capitalize on that. I really wish her the best in the future and hope she is successful at whatever her next venture is. I just wanted to get my stuff home safely. Is using a paper bag such a terrible thing? (Note to reading public… if you go to the sale today or tomorrow, bring your own bag.)

On the good new front, the TSA didn’t bat an eye at my colleague’s new knitting needles, now covered in a couple of rows of knitting. (Shout out to MK! You are too doing great at picking this up and stop arguing with me about it. That bag you think is so cute will be within your grasp before you know it!)

* That’s “Stash Enhancing Experience” for all you lascivious types out there who thought you’d find more prurient content here. This is a fairly family-friendly blog, after all!

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Stuff I Gotta Do

Follow The Leader shawl


entrelac wrap


Arabesque shawl


Jubjub Bird Socks


I Mog Di


Peacock Feather Shawl


Honeybee Stole


Irtfa'a Faroese Shawl




Fatigues henley sweater


Jade Sapphire Scarf


#1 Son's Blanket


Cotton Bag
