Miscellaneous Musing by Judy @ 7:14 PM

😀 If you google persistent illusion, this site comes up on top. Not bad.

Actually, if you google mommymonster, Persistent Illusion comes up second. Which is kinda weird, considering that you have to google mommymonster.com to actually find the real mommymonster site.

I know I need to update here more often. Long work hours. 🙁

edit 07/30/04 6:58 PM: Ah… but if you search for mommymonster in Yahoo, it comes up 2nd, 3rd and 4th, and Persistent Illusion comes up 6th. Maybe that’s where all of the mommymonster visitors from places like Australia, Turkey, The Seychelles, Hungary, Latvia, etc., are finding it. I think it’s cool there are a lot of countries represented. But why the US Military? Do they like my Disney World pics? 🙄

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    • Evil is like a shadow - it has no real substance of its own, it is simply a lack of light. You cannot cause a shadow to disappear by trying to fight it, stamp on it, by railing against it, or any other form of emotional or physical resistance. In order to cause a shadow to disappear, you must shine light on it.

      (Shakti Gawain)
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Stuff I Gotta Do

Follow The Leader shawl


entrelac wrap


Arabesque shawl


Jubjub Bird Socks


I Mog Di


Peacock Feather Shawl


Honeybee Stole


Irtfa'a Faroese Shawl




Fatigues henley sweater


Jade Sapphire Scarf


#1 Son's Blanket


Cotton Bag
