Today an elevator bit me. And not just any elevator — this is a high-speed, high-tech, state-of-the-art snazzy elevator.
I had to wait forever for the elevator to show up. By the time it did, there were quite a few people waiting. Finally the car arrived and the doors opened.
As I stepped toward the door, it began to shut. But rather than the usual slow-paced, cautious closing that most elevators affect, this puppy slammed the damn doors shut. Fast. First slamming on my thumb and them attempting to wedge my shoulders between them. Only quick moves from my fellow elevator-riders saved me from certain doom.
My thumb is now liberally dotted with black, blue and purple areas. Fortunately it’s my left thumb, so I can still hit the space bar with my right thumb.
And, most importantly, I can still knit!
I tell you, though… some days I’m tempted to become a Luddite.