Election by Judy @ 6:56 PM

Awhile ago I blogged about Yes Bush Can, an interesting team that was asking the blogging community to debunk certain false documents. Today I received the following email from the guys at Yes Bush Can:

A week ago, we sent you an email asking for help debunking anti-Bush
documents. After receiving hundreds of responses, it become clear that
all the documents were actually real: the Bush/Cheney DUIs, the Ken Lay
letters, and even the bin Laden memo. For more information visit the
documents page:

We also received hundreds of emails from concerned bloggers that
eloquently expressed the problems with the Bush administration. And as
we traveled across America campaigning for Bush, we learned more than
we wanted to know about Bush’s policies. We came to see that this
administration is a catastrophe for most people.

As a result, we are abandoning our support of Bush and officially
endorsing John Kerry for President. You can read more at the Yes Bush Can web site:
We deeply regret our misguided support and apologize for our previous
email. This will be the last email we will send directly to bloggers.
If you want to join us in supporting Kerry, you can find out more here:

Thank you for your understanding,

Yes Bush Can

I have only one thing to say… 😆

I’m still sorry that I missed these guys when they came through Portland. The Yes Men Movie is currently playing downtown at the Fox Tower 10. Here’s the writeup:

“Yes Men” follows a small group of prankster-activists as they gain worldwide notoriety for impersonating the World Trade Organization on TV and at business conferences around the world. The bizarre story begins with Andy and Mike setting up a website that mimics the World Trade Organization. When their satire website is mistaken for the real thing, Andy and Mike play along with the ruse and soon find themselves invited to important functions as WTO representatives.

News Of The Weird by Judy @ 9:59 AM

This is a rather strange story that reminded me a lot of high school and why I never want to go back there.

Iran has banned soccer players from sporting ponytails and sculpted beards as part of a campaign to prevent the spread of Western culture in the Islamic state, a soccer federation official said on Thursday.

The federation said those who defied the order ran the risk of being banned from the game.

[…]The ban does not apply to long hair.

“The Prophet Mohammad had long hair. We have no problem with it,” Majd said.

I hate to admit how long ago I was in high school. Let’s just say that the memory this brought back was circa late 60’s, and leave it at that. There were three high schools in my small town. They followed to varying degrees the ultra-conservative directives given by the unofficial town religion (that my family did not belong to). Unlike the Iranian officials, whether Mohammad, or Jesus for that matter, had long hair was irrelevant. No boy was going to graduate from high school if he looked like a hippy. There was at least one boy I knew who was forced to repeat his senior year because he refused to cut his hair. The fact that his grades were good meant nothing. Everything focused on whether his hair hit his collar or not.


But maybe we just need to wait another 30 or 40 years and the Iranian culture will begin to ease off a bit? Maybe if we passed out love beads and flowers to them? Sure. Why not?

Iranian soccer officials, I’m thinking, need to talk to our own Blazer’s officials regarding what happens when a team alienates its fan base:

A crowd of 110,000 watched a match between Iran and Germany in Tehran earlier this month. Iranian women were not allowed to see the match after the football federation upheld a ban on them entering stadiums even though women are the Islamic country’s most passionate fans.

That doesn’t seem like an extremely intelligent move to me. But maybe that’s why I’m not in marketing.

Miscellaneous Musing by Judy @ 7:06 AM

Congratulations to the Fenway Faithful. Thanks to the magic of the lunar eclipse, the Curse of the Bambino is at last dead.

Well… maybe that’s not the reason. But it makes a good story. 😉

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Stuff I Gotta Do

Follow The Leader shawl


entrelac wrap


Arabesque shawl


Jubjub Bird Socks


I Mog Di


Peacock Feather Shawl


Honeybee Stole


Irtfa'a Faroese Shawl




Fatigues henley sweater


Jade Sapphire Scarf


#1 Son's Blanket


Cotton Bag
