Election by Judy @ 4:46 PM

Today on Good Morning America, Bush blamed a poorly made shirt on the jacket bulge noticed during the first debate. Quote Dubya:

I don’t know what that is. I mean, it is — I’m embarrassed to say it’s a poorly tailored shirt.

[…] I guess the assumption was that if I were straying off course they would … kind of like a hunting dog, they would punch a buzzer and I would jerk back into place. That’s just absurd.

No… I think the assumption is that someone was feeding him answers.

But what I’d really like to know is… where does Dubya buy his shirts? Good grief! It must be poorly made, and super-starched to boot, to make a box-shaped bulge under a tightly-stretched jacket. Can’t be very comfortable. One would think that the President of the United States could afford better shirts, eh?

Miscellaneous Musing by Judy @ 12:58 PM

DUIs for herbal-tea-drinking motorists

Kava is not considered a drug by federal health officials. The FDA lists it as an nutritional supplement that can be used to relieve anxiety. Having visited southern California a time or two, I can see why an anxiety-relieving herbal tea would be in demand among drivers.

Now California prosecutors are cracking on kava-drinking drivers. San Mateo prosecutors obtained their first successful conviction in June, and have file charges in three other cases out of about a dozen kava-drinking-drivers that have been pulled over.

San Mateo Deputy District Attorney Chris Feasel explains why:

Motorists under the influence of Kava had a “thousand-yard stare,” Feasel said. “They’re drooling on themselves sometimes, their motor function is so bad.” He said that police had pulled over kava-addled motorists who were swerving, veering into other lanes and drifting onto the road’s shoulder. “Kava basically has the opposite effect of alcohol,” Feasel said. “Kava affects your motor skills before it affects your mental abilities.”

[…]”We’re cracking down on DUI drivers,” Feasel said. “Whether it’s driving under the influence of kava, or a good merlot or Advil, you’re going to be prosecuted.”

So… if you’re a kava drinker, and have the habit of consuming 20 – 30 cups before getting behind the wheel, be warned!

Taiwanese parliament food-fight

Election |Political Rants by Judy @ 11:21 AM
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Consumer confidence down:

Consumer confidence fell in October to its lowest level in seven months. The downturn is fueled mostly by soaring energy costs, sluggish hiring, the war in Iraq and an increasingly nasty election. Analysts worry that the downturn in confidence will result in less spending by already debt-laden consumers.

“Consumers are more concerned about the future than they are about current conditions and I think that has a lot to do with the high oil prices we’re seeing and probably some of the election rhetoric,” said Gary Thayer, chief economist at A.G. Edwards & Sons in St. Louis.

Consumer confidence in hiring is up very slightly, but businesses remain cautious about hiring workers given the record oil prices and the rise in health care costs.

“While consumers’ assessment of the labor market showed a moderate improvement, the gain was not sufficient to ease concerns about job growth in the months ahead,” Lynn Franco, director of the Conference Board’s Consumer Research Center, said in a statement.

This is not good new… especially here in Oregon where we still face the highest unemployment rate in the nation.

The election

Techie Talk by Judy @ 10:02 AM
OQO Model 01

OK. So this is pretty cool. A fully functional WinXP machine… in the palm of your hand. The OQO Model 01 has arrived.

I have to admit this is a snazzy looking little doodad that warms the geeky cockles of my heart. It’s just 4.9″ x 3.4″ x .9″ and weighs just 14 oz., yet it runs standard WinXP. That means it runs standard XP software, although with a 1 GHz processor, a 20 GB hard drive and 256K of RAM it’s not going to set the town on fire. This is a word-processing, email-reading, contact-keeping, calendar-watching sort of device. It has a thumb keyboard and a trackstik with mouse buttons as well as a digital pen and a thumb wheel. It looks easy to use. It can be hooked to a docking station for full-size use if desired.

WiFi is integrated, as are Firewire and USB ports. But it has no CD drive, so an external USB drive is required in order to load software. There are reports that it runs hot, so be careful sticking it in your pocket!

As cool as this little goody looks, retail is a not-so-cool $1899. For that price one can pick up a small, slim full-function notebook. There are early adapters that will go for the OQO Model 01, but I don’t think I’ll be among them.

For my money, I’ll stick to my syncing my Palm Tungsten T3 with my laptop at work and my computer at home, since I need both of those computers anyway. And the inconvenience is worth around $1500 to me.

Miscellaneous Musing by Judy @ 6:19 AM

Anybody know what happened to ORBlogs? Their server has been down since yesterday.

Since they provide me with some good reading every day, I hope it’s a temporary condition. 😥

[edit 10/26/04 2:55 PM] Mystery solved… The server is being moved to Oregon. Cool! Expected to be back up tomorrow some time.

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Stuff I Gotta Do

Follow The Leader shawl


entrelac wrap


Arabesque shawl


Jubjub Bird Socks


I Mog Di


Peacock Feather Shawl


Honeybee Stole


Irtfa'a Faroese Shawl




Fatigues henley sweater


Jade Sapphire Scarf


#1 Son's Blanket


Cotton Bag
