Knitting by Judy @ 11:53 AM
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Today I knit in public during lunch, working on socks two at at time, toe up. The toes are now about 2-1/2″ long and I’m just barely into the pattern on the instep.

A woman said to me. What a tiny little bra!

I couldn’t help it. I started laughing. There ain’t a snowball’s chance in the hot place that a pair of sock toes would serve me for that purpose.

They’re socks, I said. These are the toes.

She laughed with me. And added, And what unusual yarn. So many… interesting… colors.

I was afraid that waxing poetic about the wonderfulness of STR would probably be lost on someone who so obviously wasn’t a knitter and wasn’t sure what to make of handpainted sock yarn. But she was interested (always a good sign!) so I told her that STR is made locally but sold nationally; that it’s wonderful, handpainted sock yarn; and that there are other colors that are a less… colorful.

I think she thought I was nuts. But… I am. And I’m in good company. Right, all you sock knitters out there!

The STR Alina is just beautiful yarn! I don’t have a picture newer than the one from yesterday, so you’ll have to trust me that it’s gorgeous. The longer the socks get, the better they look. The toes are very round right now. But soon they will look less bra-like and more sock-like.

Oh, thank you kind and interested woman! I so needed a laugh today! 😆

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