buried Barry Bear
First, before we get to the knitty gritty (haha), here is the obligatory snow update. Yes, I know gentle reader… snow… ick. But I have been living this for the last week, so work with me here.
It snowed all night last night and has been coming down pretty steadily this morning. Poor Barry The Berry Bear is buried (say that 5 times fast). He will be in a snow cave soon, whether he wants to be or not. I can only see the tip of his nose and one forlornly raised paw. (Sorry for the pic suckage, but I took this through the window glass. Not going out there. Nope.)
Thank you to everyone who entered! It was lots of fun. I had a blast reading your comments. I’m sort of a tool nerd.
The tools picture in the contest was cobbled together from clip art, although I have a ball peen hammer that looks just like that one, and it’s my favorite hammer ever. But that also means that I don’t have these objects actually in hand to look at.
I didn’t realize that the business end of the tin snips (?) was hidden by the screwdriver handle until y’all started commenting on it. So I threw that one out. Or gave it to everyone, whichever way you want to look at it.
The big bucket thing is listed by the clip art program as a bucket grinder, which is not very helpful. I’m pretty sure it’s not a cider press, a butter churn, glue pot, oil can, paint mixer or carburetor cleaner. Sausage stuffer is a possibility. Or my thought was a mash tun. In any case, no matter what terms I googled, I never found a picture of anything that looked like it. So I threw that one out, too. But I had tons of fun reading all your guesses! My readers are so inventive and creative! 😎
The correct answers to the tools contest are (drum roll please):
- ball peen hammer
- duct tape
- packing tape
- 5 nut drivers
- compass divider
- 3 screwdrivers
- cordless drill
- crescent wrench
- 8 allen wrenches (no extra credit for the ring, although Dave does point out that it makes a decent bottle opener. Having once opened beer bottles with tweezers, I can appreciate this)
- tin snips? – probably. Thrown out.
- bucket grinder? – your guess is as good as mine. Thrown out.

Mountain Colors Flathead Cherry
There were four people who got all of them right (except for the two eliminated items). I couldn’t stand to leave one of them out, even if it would have been random and yadda yadda. So I dug around in my stash and found this skein of Mountain Colors in Flathead Cherry, which I believe is a discontinued colorway.
To choose who got what, I wrote the names on slips of paper and put them in a hat. And I listed the yarns on other slips of paper and put them in a different hat. The hats actually looked a lot like box tops because I seem to be hat challenged right now. I then closed my eyes and picked a slip from both hats as a pair. I didn’t look at who got what until I had picked all four pairs.
And the winners, in alphabetical order, are (another drum roll please):
Amber – Zen Yarn Garden Bamboolicious in Creamsicle
Bonnie – Mountain Colors in Flathead Cherry
Holly – Blue Moon Socks That Rock Medium in Calico
Tami – Schaefer Anne in Toni Morrison
The winners have been emailed, and their yarn will be winging its way to them just as soon as I can get unburied enough to mail it out.