I have never been a monogamous knitter. I am distracted by a bright, shiny new project, and startitis rears its ugly head.
Yesterday I opened my mailbox and found the Peacock Feather Shawl pattern, that had been on back-order when I requested it from Woodland Woolworks. I drooled over it for a bit. But I was still captivated by the Bee Fields Shawl, and wanted only to finish with the Great Green Glob so I could start on another lace project. Because I do have some sense of decorum. Two lace project is one more than I should have going at any given time.
But then I went to Tangle yesterday. And a new shipment of Malabrigo Lace had arrived. And there were hanks of this gorgeous colorway – Purple Mystery (#30) – that’s perfect for peacocks. So maybe I brought a little yarn home with me.
The pattern includes specific directions for a swatch. I really didn’t think that simply swatching was cheating on the Great Green Glob. And the yarn was so pretty. So I wound a ball on my trusty nostepinne (we are low-tech here at chez PI). Hanks of laceweight are so deceptively small. There are 470 yds in one skein of Malabringo laceweight. It’s way smaller than, say, a skein of STR. I started winding.
And I wound, and wound and wound… three hours later, I was ready to start swatching.
I should really remember this: laceweight takes a long, long time to wind because it’s really, really thin strands of fiber. Please remind me next time I decide to wind it by hand.
So I swatched. And I love, love, love this yarn! It is so incredibly soft, it flows across my needles like butter. I would swear that there was something more than wool in this fiber, but the label says 100% baby merino. Who am I to argue with that? And the color just glows! I’m in love. I keep petting my little swatch and holding it against my face. It’s that good.
The swatch (according to the pattern) should block out to about 7″ x 7″. My swatch, knit on US#4 per the instructions, blocked out to 5-1/2″ x 5-1/2″. sigh I’m not sure if I should go up one size, to US#5, or two sizes, to US#6. I really like the swatch. I keep petting it. But I need to get one closer to the right size. I have no desire to lose a foot off the shawl.
Today I meant to pick up a new USB hub, but instead I paid a visit to a new-ish Portland LYS: Twisted. (I swear my car just drove there with no help.)
Twisted is a cute little shop with a decent selection of yarn, including yarns from several local and/or indie dyers. They have a great selection of sock yarn. Some Yarntini in the store’s own colorway, Twistini, and a skein of Ashabee’s Fiber Oasis in Poison Apple (isn’t that a great name?) jumped off of the shelf into my waiting arms and insisted on coming home with me.
Gentle reader, I ask you: who am I to argue?
I had a wonderful time comparing socks-on-the-needles with one of the owners (Shannon, I think? I will go shoot myself now for not remembering names.) She: Toe-up Monkeys. Me: the dragon-scale, snake-skin, whatevers. It was cool to see the toe-up Monkeys, as I’ve been wanting to knit a pair of Monkeys. But I’m such a toe-up person.
Twisted also has tea — a nice change from the rather ubiquitous coffee (this is Portland, after all, caffeine and micro-brew capital of the world). I didn’t have time to drink a cup and knit for a spell, but I plan on going back some day and doing just that. Some day when my wallet can stand the strain, that is.
Thank you to all for your thoughtful replies to my last post. I would hope that knitters, as a group, would remain inclusive. But I would also hope that we retain our sense of humor — and that includes the ability to laugh at ourselves. Because, as Mama use to say, others are going to anyway so you might as well join in.
Ah Judy. I LOVE your purple laceweight and Peacock will look fabulous in it! I also have gone gaga over Bee Fields, but unlike you, don’t mind having 4-5 lace projects OTN at once. I should mind, but you know, what’s one more thing tangling up my mind and making me nuts???? (no, haven’t cast on yet, but give me a day or two? okay, maybe a month…I’m trying to follow your example and not do so many projects…)
I can sooooooo empathize with you over the day you had last week. Thank goodness we can try again today? Or tomorrow?
And thank the dear heavens for CHOCOLATE. I’d go so far as to call it lunch and dinner of champions…why not? Have you gotten a chance for that foot massage? Might be worth it!
Remark from Knitnana — Monday, 8/13/2007 @ 12:21 PM
I found your site via Maia and I owe her one! I’m still reading and I think it will take me a while to catch up. I love it!
2Remark from MX — Monday, 8/13/2007 @ 12:34 PM
So, the yarn just jumped off the shelf and followed you home, eh? 😉 Will you be bringing the purple swatch to see Cat on Friday? Or will it be the shawl that’s just been cast on?????? See you there!
3Remark from bobbie — Monday, 8/13/2007 @ 9:00 PM
That swatch is bewitching! Can you adapt the pattern to make it larger and keep the gauge you have? I love the stitch & pattern definition you have.
My car has the same defect or rather the same ability to end up at a yarn store on a whim. Sock yarn always seems to end up coming home with me. I’m trying to be good now so I can be bad in Portland! I can’t wait!!!
I think both of your sock yarns are by Ravelers too.
4Remark from Maia — Monday, 8/13/2007 @ 10:46 PM
We were just in Portland on vacation,and I got some great yarns at Twisted. Also hit Knit Purl, Yarn Garden, Dublin Bay and Close Knit. You live in a town with great food and great restaurants. I’m jealous!
5Remark from Jocelyn — Wednesday, 8/15/2007 @ 3:36 PM