Knitting by Judy @ 12:16 PM
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ah…  that’s better
ah… that’s better

I decided that trying to make diagonal heels was an exercise in futility. There’s probably a reason that many knitters smarter than myself have been knitting heels the way they are usually knit for probably thousands of years. D’ya think? Sometimes goofs end up producing something interesting and usable. Sometimes they don’t. That’s the way the stitch drops.

So… I knit the heels again using plain, old heel stitch. I did one modification to fit the pattern: The scale on the back of the heel matches the scale on the front of the leg. I also continued the heel stitch up the leg until the side scale met the back scale. I think an abrupt transition to plain stockinette would have been too jarring.

I’m really happy with the way that these heels turned out. So far the socks fit well and I love the color. But every time I knit on them, the same song starts running through my head: The George Thorogood and the Destroyers version of Who Do You Love:

Snake skin shoes baby put them on your feet
Got the goodtime music and the Bo Diddley beat
Who do you love?

I’m afraid these socks have been posing with pretensions of dragonhood and are fated to be named something rather snake-ish. I’m OK with that. I like snakes. Very interesting and often beautiful critters.

I’d also like to clear up something that may have been misunderstood. I receive no monetary compensation from the sale of Cat Bordhi’s new book. I honestly think it’s a gorgeous book or I wouldn’t mention it — my name in it or not.

In fact, I receive no compensation from anything on this blog with one exception: If you follow one of the Amazon links, like the one above for George Thorogood, and then actually buy something, I get few pennies. In all of the time I’ve blogged, I’ve managed to amass enough filthy lucre to get two free books. We ain’t gettin’ rich from blogging over here at chez PI. And I’m OK with that, too. That’s not why I’m here.

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    • The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error.

      (John Stuart Mill)
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