There was Cat Bordhi, and food, and knitting, and food, and Kay and Ann from Mason-Dixon Knitting, and socks, and other wonderful knitting bloggers, and the most awesome fun non-blogging knitters you could imagine, and sunsets, and food, and whales, and a wedding to be crashed, and food, and a sweater we all could wear, and yarn (lots of yarn), and I knit a moebius big enough for all of us, and Addi Lace needles, and some of the most gorgeous knitting in the world was there to be fondled and cooed over, and windows to open at night for sleeping to surf sounds, and did I mention there was food? Five times a day there was food. And just maybe there was a little wine involved, too.
The picture is the view out our classroom window on Saturday night. Yeah… it was that good, gentle reader.
I had the most marvelous time in the whole world.
The weather was wonderful for the drives both ways. It was a bit wet on Friday and Saturday, but nobody minded.
I have tons of pictures and lots to tell you and some things I can’t tell you, and I will take the amazing run-on sentence that comprises the first paragraph and parse it into something that makes sense just as soon as I have a chance to breath a little and get my pictures sorted out.
It was a wonderful trip and I was very glad to be home last night in my own bed.
Lucky you! Can’t wait to hear all the details, once you’ve had a chance to set your feet up and crank down the brain a wee bit 😆
1Remark from Kathy — Monday, 4/2/2007 @ 7:47 PM
ahhhh! wish i was there.
2Remark from hpny knits — Monday, 4/2/2007 @ 8:41 PM
Wasn’t it a great weekend?!! It was fun to meet you, and so many others. Cat and Ann & Kay and all the rest. Wonderful yarn, wonderful people and so much to learn. Great fun. Babs & I got back to Portland yesterday evening [Monday] and I dropped her at the airport this morning. It is SOOO good to sleep in my own bed again!
3Remark from Mary Kay Bender — Tuesday, 4/3/2007 @ 11:40 PM
Hi, Mary Kay! It was a blast! Glad to know that you and Babs got back OK.
4Remark from Judy — Thursday, 4/5/2007 @ 12:05 AM