Saturday morning, #1 Son called me: Hi, Mom. We’re going down to Eugene to see a show. Taking my car. I’ll be back tomorrow, probably in the early afternoon. Definitely in time to have dinner with Uncle Bro. Sure, I’ll call you when I get back.
Mom: Please drive carefully.
Monday morning, #1 Son called me: Hi, Mom. I forgot to call you last night to tell you I was driving up to Seattle. That’s where I am now. I’ll be back home probably late tonight, but maybe tomorrow. Yeah… I’ve been coming up here more than I’ve told you about. I’m sorry I keep forgetting to call you and tell you. I’ll try to be better about that from now on because I know you like to know where I am.
Mom: Please drive carefully.
Now… It’s around 120 miles from Portland to Eugene. It’s about 175 miles from Portland to Seattle.
This is the same #1 Son who will not drive the 10 miles to my house because it’s too far and gas is too expensive.
It’s all relative.