Saturday morning, #1 Son called me: Hi, Mom. We’re going down to Eugene to see a show. Taking my car. I’ll be back tomorrow, probably in the early afternoon. Definitely in time to have dinner with Uncle Bro. Sure, I’ll call you when I get back.
Mom: Please drive carefully.
Monday morning, #1 Son called me: Hi, Mom. I forgot to call you last night to tell you I was driving up to Seattle. That’s where I am now. I’ll be back home probably late tonight, but maybe tomorrow. Yeah… I’ve been coming up here more than I’ve told you about. I’m sorry I keep forgetting to call you and tell you. I’ll try to be better about that from now on because I know you like to know where I am.
Mom: Please drive carefully.
Now… It’s around 120 miles from Portland to Eugene. It’s about 175 miles from Portland to Seattle.
This is the same #1 Son who will not drive the 10 miles to my house because it’s too far and gas is too expensive.
It’s all relative.
Have you tried the “I’ll pay for your gas” line on him yet? My husbands mother still uses that one on us.
1Remark from ~Kristie — Tuesday, 4/24/2007 @ 11:03 AM
Oh yeah… I’ve tried that, too. Usually doesn’t work, but always worth a shot. 🙄 I think the real issue is that my house does not possess interesting things like girlfriends (Seattle) or punk shows (Eugene).
2Remark from Judy — Wednesday, 4/25/2007 @ 6:55 AM
I’d guess there’s a sweetie(s) involved….you know you can never trump that. Sigh. I see my future, my little boys will grow up one day, too. Good luck, mom.
3Remark from shelly — Friday, 4/27/2007 @ 9:45 AM