Ohmygod it’s hot! It’s hotter than Dave’s Insanity poured on a habanero stuffed with a firecracker. I stayed at work last night until about 10:00 PM just to stay in the air conditioned coolness. I don’t think my house cooled down past about 85 F last night.
Today it’s about 84 F or so, with about 70% humidity and not a breath of breeze. It wouldn’t be so bad if the air would move around a little. But as it is, it’s about like trying to breath at the bottom of a tropical fish tank.
I just got off the phone with a customer service guy at my cell phone provider, who was helping me understand one of the charges on my bill. I’m a reasonably intelligent person. But are there any bills harder to understand than cell phone? What is all that gobbledygook?
Anyway, the very nice and helpful customer service guy was up in Seattle. He said it was very hot up there, too. I think they’re having the weather we had yesterday.
I grew up in SE Idaho. The winters were long and brutal — I can remember praying that it would snow so it would warm up above zero. The summers were very short and very hot.
I do know there are a lot of places that are hotter right now. But that’s not the point. It’s hot here, and here is where I am.
There were reasons why I moved to Portland, and reasons why I stay here. One of them is that I like the climate. I like the fact that the difference between the average summer temperature and the average winter temperature is about 15 degrees F. It means I can wear essentially the same wardrobe all year, and just add or subtract a couple of water-proof layers as necessary. I take it as a personal affront the one time each year we have snow or an ice storm, and the several days of above-90 F heat that we have in the summer. OK, this is twice now. I don’t have an air conditioner at home. Cut it out!
It’s too hot and humid to knit. The yarn sticks to me. Blech.
I’m melting.
I hear ya on the heat. Not only do we not have AC, we don’t have insulation (log house). I grew up in western Montana where we got three polite days of 90 degrees in mid August at fair time, snow the rest of the time. I don’t even understand temps over 90 degrees, perhaps because my brain has been stewed.
Have you noticed it’s not cooling down at night, I have to run the AC in the barn all night long. But at least we don’t have to wear 3 inches of wool or an inch of angora like the animals.
BTW, that march mallow plant is cool, I always wondered what it looked like.
1Remark from Shelly — Saturday, 7/22/2006 @ 8:34 PM
Thank you. I could not have so elegantly expressed my distaste of our current weather. There’s no AC up here in the wilds of Brush Prairie (N of Vancouver, WA) either. 9am and it’s 75 degrees already.
Thank you for providing a well timed laugh about our current extreme heat warning. I just watched the news. Hotter today! I quit.
2Remark from Stephanie — Sunday, 7/23/2006 @ 8:18 AM
The only plus to me living in CA now instead of my favorite locale, the Pacific Northwest, is that we DO have a/c here. Unfortunately, if you run your a/c, you risk a power bill that when seen will leave your chin on the floor for hours!
I find it very interesting that you currently live in Portland, and you grew up in SE Idaho. One of my most favorite cities in the world (which I’d love to live in) is Portland AND I grew up in Idaho Falls. Very interesting!
By the way, I’ll trade you weather. Yesterday it was 112 & the pool I was in was 100 (even after adding 4 large blocks of ice).
3Remark from ~Kristie — Sunday, 7/23/2006 @ 11:22 AM
Shelly, if your bunnies have air conditioning, I will gladly move in with them! My poor cats are fighting over who gets to lay on the tile hearth. There’s only enough room for one there.
Stephanie, it’s 4:20 PM, and it’s currently 102. That’s 10 degrees hotter than it was supposed to be. I’m at work in the a/c. I keep falling asleep because the temperature is so comfortable and I haven’t slept well for several nights. I’m really supposed to be getting some work done. But maybe I’ll just bring a cot in.
Kristie, that’s funny about IF and such. We should compare notes. I hear you about the power bill. But if I had the choice right now, I think I’d risk it.
4Remark from Judy — Sunday, 7/23/2006 @ 3:22 PM
Hot? Yes, it is. These are the days when I dread going to work. I work outside. And I have to wear long pants and steel toed boots. Knitting seems like a dream with cooler days and lots of rain.
5Remark from Nancy — Monday, 7/24/2006 @ 7:41 AM
I’m so heat addled I can’t spell “marsh” mallow. AAAAGGGGHH.
6Remark from Shelly — Monday, 7/24/2006 @ 7:48 PM
Nancy, outside in long pants and boots! Yikes! Drink lots of water! (that’s the “mom” in me talking) I can’t imagine. I’m so glad I get to go to a nice air-conditioned office.
Shelly, I knew exactly what you meant! 😆 Spelling doesn’t count! It doesn’t show well in the picture, but the Marsh Mallow is about 6 feet tall. It’s not nearly as dainty as its flowers try to pretend.
7Remark from Judy — Tuesday, 7/25/2006 @ 6:22 AM