A yarnaholic. That’s me. I love yarn. I love fiber. I love all of the fibers and all of the yarns. I even love fibers and yarns that I would never in a million years knit with. Pink ones, say. Or very long eyelash. Not my thing. But I love it anyway. I love to squeeze it and caress it and fondle it and smell it and stroke it.
I’ve been known to buy yarn. Not yarn that I would never knit, it’s true. But sometimes now and then all too often yarn that I don’t have any current plans for. Sometimes I buy more than one too many a few skeins, just in case I want to start a large project with it.
I kid myself that sock yarn never counts as stash. And that enables me to have a lot of sock yarn.
But, you know, I’m not going hungry, naked or unsheltered, and #1 Son is likewise fed, clothed and has a roof over his head. I really have few bad habits. (OK, my nearest and dearest may disagree. But you know what I mean.) So if I want to buy yarn, it doesn’t seem that harmful.
Yarnaholic just seems so… harsh.
I think I’d rather be known as a Yarn Collector.
I’m sure that I’m not the first one that’s come up with this idea, so I won’t claim that it’s original. But doesn’t Collector seem like something you could be proud of?
Oh yes, (said with high-toned air) I collect only the finest fibers that have been made into only the best yarn. What? Knit something with my yarn? But that might lower the value of my collection, if it were not in its pristine condition. See — the ball bands are even still on!
Hmmm… I think I could do that.
In fact, I do think that being a yarn collector is something to be proud of. So I’ve created a button to announce to the world that I’m a Yarn Collector.

If you’re a Yarn Collector too, feel free to steal the button (please save it to your own server). If you let me know that you’re a Yarn Collector in the comments or via email, I’ll start a list of Yarn Collectors in the left-hand column and link to you.
Yarn Collectors of the world, unite!