Alice comments:
The red socks look great!!! Really nice in that yarn, do you think it is the solid color or the twist before and after the drop stitch.
Alice, I think it’s mostly the twist and the cotton yarn. I’m going to do the pattern in the Sock Candy that’s on my needles now to check. But the twist helped a lot. I think it will still be cute in multi-colored yarn. And, yes, I do think your next project should be this!
Since others might be confused by Alice’s comment, I’ll just say that Alice has seen a less-successful rendition of this same pattern. (Most things I admit to on here. But not all.)
Becky asks:
Can I ask what pattern you used for these and what size needle? I have two balls of red fixation that I might like to try your sock with! Would you have had enough to do the heels in red too you think? Thanks. They turned out beautifully!
The pattern is my own, and it should be up here as a freebie just as soon as I can get another pair knit (it’s really supposed to be made with Blue Moon yarn). I don’t have much knitting time right now, so that might be a couple of weeks. Thanks for your patience.
The pattern did work great in Fixation. I used US#3 needles — but I tend to knit fairly tightly. The socks were knit for someone with small feet. But I had tons of yarn left over. I think I could have knit a pair in a medium size that were all red and still had plenty of yarn.
Kathy opines:
Yikes, it’s been hot!
Yes, it has! I’m not an over-90-degree person so I have not been liking this at all. But today I much, much better!
I understand that you are a recent Portland resident. Welcome! And, never fear, we only get about two weeks of this a year. The winters, though… You do know about the winters?
LOL – yes, I know about the winters. And the rain :wink:. I lived in PA near Philadelphia for three years, so I’ve lived in snow and ice and storms and it didn’t really bother me. I do *much* better in cold than in hot in general, and my husband and I really enjoy rain quite a bit, so we’ll be just fine. Any excuse to knit more, right? 😆
1Remark from Kathy — Wednesday, 6/28/2006 @ 8:23 PM
Well, that’s good, Kathy! I always worry a little about people who move here in the summer when the weather is perfect… 😀
The thing about Portland winters isn’t the amount of rain we get. There are many places that get more. It’s just that it never stops. It starts sometime in November and it goes on and on and on, with maybe a small break in February, and on and on until sometime in June. It ended early this year. There’s an old joke about Summer starting on July 5th, but there’s a certain amount of truth in that.
But some of us like it that way. And it is a good excuse for more knitting!
2Remark from Judy — Thursday, 6/29/2006 @ 6:03 AM
I wanted to stop in and say Thank you for the information on the Portland area you shared with me several weeks ago, the websites were very helpful. I did not get to explore Portland on my visit to Oregon, but I did get to the coast and some of the other areas for several days. What a beautiful state you live in, I could easily move there and enjoy the entire state.
3Once again Thank You for the info.
Remark from Daisy — Friday, 6/30/2006 @ 7:58 PM
You’re welcome, Daisy! I’m glad I could help and happy you enjoyed your visit. I hope you get to come back soon.
4Remark from Judy — Saturday, 7/1/2006 @ 6:05 AM
I just looked through your Galleries – wow! Your knitting is great – GREAT! I liked everything. Especially the Wavy Raspberry socks, no the basket weave, no the fingerless wrist warmers, no the cute bags – Oh hell, it’s all so beautiful! Will be back to see more. ;o)
5Remark from Monika — Monday, 7/3/2006 @ 9:58 AM
Thanks Monika! I’m glad you enjoyed your visit. Love your blankets, by the way! In a past life I was a quilter, and I’ve been dying to try a log cabin blanket!
6Remark from Judy — Tuesday, 7/4/2006 @ 7:34 PM