News Of The Weird by Judy @ 6:44 AM

This month’s award goes to three would-be thieves in Australia unable to open the door of the restaurant they wanted to rob.

The restaurant, about 85 miles south of Syndey in the coastal town of Gerringong, boasts a sliding glass door. The robbers were wearing balaclavas — those ski masks that cover most of one’s face. Whether the balaclavas blocked their vision or whether they were simply too stupid to read, the thieves apparently didn’t see the sign that said slide. They tried to push the door open. When that failed they tried to kick the industrial-strength glass door down. Still unsuccessful, they ran off, leaving their bootprints on the door.

About 20 diners remained calm and enjoyed their dessert and coffee while watching the show. The diners were treated to free bottles of wine after the event.

The police believe they have located the stolen car used by the robbers during the non-heist. Quoth police investigator Jamie Williams:

They’re probably more dangerous because they’re dumb.

I dunno. It sort of reminds me of all of those times I’ve pushed when the sign said pull or vice-versa. But I don’t usually try to kick the door down when my first attempt fails.

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