For anyone who might wander here on a Mac, how does this site look? If this skin looks sucky, are any of the other skins better? I’m especially interested if you are using Safari. I have no access to either a Mac or Safari, so I have no way of telling of the CSS is broken or not.
Leave a coment and let me know!
I’m viewing this with Safari on a Mac. Does it look sucky. Well, there are no visible display errors, if that’s what you mean… 😛
The layout’s a bit bright for me, but then it’s not my weblog is it? Everything lines up well, and nothing seems out of place, though. I think you’re good to go!
1Remark from J.D. — Friday, 11/12/2004 @ 8:46 AM
Hey, thanks for checking and responding! I do appreciate it.
Yeah… I meant the layout, not the colors, etc. 😆 I know that some people find it a bit garish. That was in reaction to my first design. It was pretty dark.
But, that is why Persistent Illusion is skinable. Try something like “Ive Got The Blues.” That one is fairly tame.
2Remark from Judy — Friday, 11/12/2004 @ 3:31 PM
The CSS doesn’t seem to validate:
And the comments seem to be off a bit too. They float right.
3Remark from Andy — Friday, 11/12/2004 @ 4:52 PM
Thanks for responding.
The CSS does validate, unless the news feed has some invalid stuff in it, which happens often.
4Remark from Judy — Saturday, 11/13/2004 @ 9:57 PM