Election by Judy @ 11:23 AM

Ezra Klein has published a wonderfully articulate explanation over on Pandagon of his case for John Kerry. I am especially taken with his description of the differences between Kerry and Bush. Of Bush he says:

I forgive Bush his failings, I forgive him his mistakes, I forgive him his transgressions and his lies and his misjudgments and miscalculations and messes. What I don’t forgive — what I will never forgive — is that he ran for president in the first place. And the reason, dear reader, that I can never forgive him for that, is because he fought to ascend to an office he didn’t understand.

And of Kerry:

Righteousness, as a habit, rejects certainty; in fact, the angels have a troubling predisposition to wander around issues, which makes sticking in their camp a matter of ideological flexibility as much as judgment. There’s no chasm greater than the one Kerry bridged to go from Vietnam war hero to the war’s most prominent opponent, but he was right to serve his country and right to fight for an end to the misguided slaughter. It’s a lesson he’s refused to unlearn, and one he’s spent a lifetime applying. And we need it.

Although lengthy, the whole entry is well worth the read.

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Fatigues henley sweater


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#1 Son's Blanket


Cotton Bag
