Knitting by Judy @ 9:47 AM

tree planting
tree planting

Yesterday morning a tree was planted in my Father-In-Law’s memory by the 10th Mountain Division Association. I managed to snap a picture with my cell phone of my Mother-In-Law wielding a shovel before I picked up my own shovel and started planting. (sorry for the craptacular photo. My cell phone has a horrible camera. Even with much Photoshop tweaking, this is the best I could get it.)

Barney loved to ski and loved quaking aspens. I share the latter fondness. Aspens have been one of my favorite trees since I was a little girl. They would turn such gorgeous colors in the hills during the autumn. And I just love their rustle and the dance of their leaves in the breeze. But I digress…

Ordinarily one tree is planted for each of the honorees. But there were two aspens for Barney — a larger one, and a tiny little one-foot baby. (You can just make out the baby in the lower left of the picture.) Barney, we were told, loved to ski in Colorado way back when. There were many aspen trees, and he had to ski between them, which he thought was lots of fun. So the two little trees were planted side by side. So Barney can ski between them.

It was a lovely ceremony on a beautiful, perfect fall day — the kind of day we’re supposed to have here in October.

happy iPod sock recipient
happy iPod sock recipient

And, lest you think I’ve been idle on the knitting front while PI did the yoyo server thing, I have actually been knitting up a virtual little storm.

OK… a small storm.

A colleague at work saw my little iPod Nano sock and wanted one. I had a couple of long teleconferences on Thursday. Voila: iPod sock and happy recipient.

I used the Claudia Handpainted Sport Short in Boot Camp that was part of the goody bag at the Floating Knitting Retreat. That was wonderful yarn to knit with — soft and smooshy and great color. The requestee had asked for something that went with black, and camo fits the bill fairly well, I think. It’s a stealth Nano!

I’ve also been frantically knitting away on the second Babies & Bears sweater, which pretty much needs to be finished… today. Eek! 😯

Must keep knitting, must keep knitting…

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Stuff I Gotta Do

Follow The Leader shawl


entrelac wrap


Arabesque shawl


Jubjub Bird Socks


I Mog Di


Peacock Feather Shawl


Honeybee Stole


Irtfa'a Faroese Shawl




Fatigues henley sweater


Jade Sapphire Scarf


#1 Son's Blanket


Cotton Bag
