I received not one but four emails yesterday that the first Blue Moon Rockin’ Sock Club shipments have been sent.
I guess the lovely ladies in Scappoose wanted to make sure that I was well and truly notified!
It’s not that far from here to there. Less than 30 miles. It can’t take that long for my shipment to get here. Right?
So… What do you think the chances are that my attention will continue to be held by Clapotis #2? Will I be able to stick to my “socks only with my classes” resolution when the next class is over a month away? Any bets on that?
What do you think, gentle reader? 😆
I’m seeing a vision of socks. It’s getting clearer now. Yes, there are needles there and beautiful Socks that Rock Yarn and lovely socks in progress. Wait! Who is that holding the needles? Could it be. . . yes, I think it is Judy! 😆
There’s no way you’re going to be able to resist. I’m just jealous because I can’t afford the Rockin’ Sock Club at the moment.
1Remark from Cindy — Thursday, 3/1/2007 @ 3:30 PM
I bet that if you DON’T open your Blue Moon package, then you can stick with your resolution, but if you open it, you’re screwed. How could ANYONE not resist STR?
2Remark from ~Kristie — Thursday, 3/1/2007 @ 4:01 PM
Do you seriously think that the STR package will arrive at chez Persistent Illusion, and I’m NOT going to open it?
Oh yeah… that’s going to happen! 🙄
3Remark from Judy — Thursday, 3/1/2007 @ 5:42 PM
I can sing an Ode to Clapotis if you’d like! Maybe you can knit on Lady Clapotis in the morning and run around with your STR in the evenings 💡 Think of how you’ll look in your gorgeous Clapotis in the spring weather! I don’t know, these suggestions are not even working for me, Judy!!
4Remark from Kat — Friday, 3/2/2007 @ 5:13 AM