The rumors ran through the city like a snag on a cheap pair of stockings. (Stole that from an old Darkwing Duck cartoon.)
First there were only whispers. Then sightings from friends of friends. Then the first-hand reports began to trickle in.
Then I called Alice.
Blue Moon is in at Tangle.
So where do you think I was on Saturday? At Tangle, maybe? And remember that the rule is that sock yarn in no way counts as contributing to one’s stash. So just maybe some of that yarn mysteriously fell into my knitting bag and ended up at home with me.
Left-to-right, that’s Sock Candy in Carbon, Socks That Rock in Stonewash, Mudslide, Jewel Of The Nile, Kryptonite and County Clare, and Sock Candy in Key West.
What’s a girl to do?
I thought I showed admirable restraint. I didn’t buy any of the ribbon, or the kidmo, or the bamboo (that’s right, gentle readers, bamboo). Just the sock yarn. And it doesn’t count.
I don’t have immediate plans for most of this. But I think the Key West will be next on my needles, after the two pair of socks already going. I’m also considering a fair isle pair using Stonewash and Mudslide. While I was there, D picked up some of the Jewel Of The Nile and wound it. My camera doesn’t do it justice. It is truly jewel-like and almost glows. I can’t wait to see it knit up.
That’s the cool think about hand-painted yarns. They don’t look anything in the ball like they did in the skein. And they don’t look anything knit up like they did in the ball. It’s fun to see the colors emerge.
I did get some knitting done, also. I’ve been hard at work on the red and black Fixation socks. I have turned the heels (black) and I’m heading up the ankles. I hope to have these done very soon. Then I need to finish the Rainbow socks that I’m doing in the stranded pattern. Then it’s on to the Key West.
As long as so many wonderful sock yarns are made, why knit anything else?
:shock:I am in shock at the loveliness of your STR haul!!!! Color me kelly green with envy 😉
1Remark from JennyRaye — Monday, 6/19/2006 @ 8:04 AM
I am so jealous! Girl, those colors are gorgeous! WOW!
2Remark from Jen — Monday, 6/19/2006 @ 10:54 PM