Knitting |On The Road by Judy @ 5:35 PM
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I always fly coach. Always. Mostly because, as a single mom, I’m just not made of money and there are other things I’d prefer to spend the limited harvest from the money tree on. In other words, I’m cheap.

This year I procrastinated a bit before booking the yearly Vegas trip, so there were few options available. If I wanted the flights that #1 Son and I had already picked out as being ideal, I would have to go first class. But the good fortune that usually escapes me prevailed, and the last two round-trip first class seats were on extreme special and within my budget.

I’ve found out that there are a lot of advantages to flying first class. First and foremost, you get your own line going through security, and it’s never busy. I carried the TSA statement that knitting needles and scissors were OK, but I didn’t need them. Nothing that I had was even looked at twice. I’ve written about some of the fun times #1 Son and I have had with airport security here and here and here. It was refreshing to breeze right through.

At the gate, of course, you get to board first. The seats are huge, relatively speaking, and comfortable. There’s lots of leg room. And all of the drinks are free. And you get real food served on real plates with real silverware and cloth napkins! Even the coffee comes in a real mug. And the food is good. Since there is one attendant for the 8 or 10 people in first class, versus two attendants for everyone in coach, you get a lot more one-on-one personal service. And nobody complained that I knit during take off.

And knit I did, all the down to Vegas. By the time we landed, I was through most of the gusset increases and just about ready to turn the heels on the Gold Hill socks.

Mom’s take on flying first class: starstarstarstarstar1/2 star (1/2 because of the cost, even on special)

Next up: Knitting Through Death Valley

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