tipsy knitter socks

These are the finished Tipsy Knitter socks after washing and blocking. They are a bit fraternal. But, strangely enough, if I hold my legs together the diagonal stripes on one leg meet the diagonal stripes on the other leg. There’s a couple of splotches of pooling, but both are under the foot, so who cares?

I love their red rock stripy-ness. I think it fits the leaning ladders and cables perfectly.

You can see from the picture that the socks fit pretty well. They are a little big, especially in the toes. But I think washing without blocking will help them to pull in a little tighter.

They certainly fit a lot better than I thought they did on the night that I almost frogged them out!

happy feet

The second picture is my happy feet enjoying the fine, yarny Tangle ambiance. Look at that lovely cabled heel! (click on the pictures for the biggy version)

The particulars:

Two Inox Gray US#2 circular needles.

Socks That Rock in colorway Red Rock Canyon

The stitch pattern is called Tipsy Knitter in the Socks Socks Socks book and Tilting Ladders in Barbara Walker’s Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns. I used the pattern more as an inspiration than actually something to follow.

Socks Socks Socks

Changes made to the pattern:

I knit toe-up instead of top-down.

I used a star toe.

I ribbed the top instead of using cables. I didn’t think the cables would hold the sock up as well as ribbing.

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