Noro hat

This Noro hat was made for a gift exchange. The recipient seemed pleased with the gift!

I love Noro. Look how the stripes just naturally changed at every purl row group, so it looked like I did something really, really hard when in reality I did nothing at all but knit around and around. Magic like that is just too cool.

I used about 1-1/2 skeins. Some of it went towards matching the stripe sequence when the color changed abruptly at a knot as Noro yarns are so fond of doing.

As I said, I love Noro. But really, if one pays that much for a skein of yarn, shouldn’t one reasonably expect that there will be no knots? And if there is a join in the middle of the skein, that the color will at least match? Just saying.

Sorry for the really horrible picture. It was dark (naturally) when I finished the hat, and since I had to give it away the next day there was no time for a daylight pic. The colors aren’t very close to true, but it at least shows how the stripes worked out.
The Particulars:

  • Yarn: This is Noro Kureyon ( 100% Wool/ 50g, 100m per skein) in colorway #159 — about 1-1/2 skeins.
  • Needles: US#6
  • Pattern: made up as I went along.

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