Loopy at work
Loopy at work

Somebody followed me to work yesterday. She may have followed me home from OFFF…

OK, not really. This is the Loopy Ewe needle felting kit from Woolpets. I got this awhile ago from The Loopy Ewe (where it is exclusive), but only a bit ago had time I could devote to this project. It was lots of fun, and it really didn’t take very long.

The kit came with everything I needed except a foam pad. The directions were wonderful! Very detailed with lots of step-by-step photographs.

Loopy is up on my bookshelf at work, now, where she can peek over the cube walls and greet visitors.

The Particulars:

  • Loopy Ewe needle felting kit from Woolpets (available exclusively from The Loopy Ewe
  • Needles: Sharp little needle-felting ones that I, being not very good at this at all, spent a lot of time poking my fingers with. Blood sample, anyone?

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