A colleague is having a baby in July. In June it occurred to me that July is in the none-to-distant future, and I’d better get a-knittin’.
These socks go along with the little sweater they are posing on. They were a super-fast, really fun knit, being so small. I was just through the toe increases when I left work to see Stephanie Pearl-McPhee at Powells, I turned the heels while she spoke, and I finished the knitting just as I reached the head of the very long book-signing line.
The Particulars:
- Yarn: Cascade Fixation — 98.3% cotton / 1.7% elasticl, 100g / 50 yds per ball — in an unknown colorway (might be 2706) — a tiny amount left over from a different project.
- Needles: Knit Picks Classics, US#2 (3mm).
- Pattern: my own standard toe-up sock pattern, just knit really, really small. Magic cast-on. Flap-and-gusset heel. Tubular bind-off.