Babies 'n' Bears sweater
Babies ‘n’ Bears sweater

I wasn’t sure about these colors together when I saw them in the skeins. But once I started knitting, I was hooked. The colors look like a watermelon, and the little heart buttons look really cute. You know, gentle reader, that I’m not at all a pink person. But if I were a little girl, I would so love this sweater.

This is the second Babies ‘n’ Bears sweater that I’ve knit. It’s a really fun, fast (usually) knit. People have remarked about both that it looks so intricate and hard to do. In reality, it’s almost all garter stitch and there’s very little finishing, even, needed. The sweater is knit from the cuffs to the center. A center back is knit on one side, and then the two halves are grafted together. All of the edges are kept live, so it’s easy to knit the front centers, then the hood (grafted at the center top), and finally the trim. Cottage Creations also has a pattern for an adult-sized sweater that really tempts me.

The Particulars:

  • Yarn: Cascade Sierra — 80% Pima cotton, 20% wool, 100g / 192 yds per skein — in colors 18 (hot pink) and 48 (light green) — all of one pink (just enough left to sew on the buttons) and about 1/2 of one green.
  • Needles: Knit Picks Harmony Options, US#5 (3.75mm).
  • Pattern: Babies ‘n’ Bears sweater from Cottage Creations
  • Modifications from pattern:
    • None (believe it or not), other than to knit the trim and hood in a contrasting color.

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