I promised I would show proof of my backside being signed by The Yarn Harlot, and here it is! This photo is courtesy of Kathleen, who graciously agreed to let me post it for all to see.
A week or so ago, Kerin delivered Flat Judy to me. I mean to have it laminated, but I haven’t had time to do that yet.
On Tuesday, #1 Son decided to move his computer from his room in my house to his room in his house, where it will be decidedly more convenient to use. He also asked if he could have the old router that I’m not using any more, because it’s better than the one he has. And I’m fine with that because I hate to see old stuff go to waste.
Tuesday night I came home late to find unmistakable signs that #1 Son had been there (a half-finished pot of coffee, etc.). And I found Flat Judy with old random computer parts piled on it, right where Stephanie signed it!
We are not amused.
I have rescued it and stored it safely away from too much abuse and I will get it laminated as soon as possible. (Query to my gentle readers: does Kinkos laminate? Or where is a good place to have that done – prefer PDX metro west side.)
You can see that not too much damage was done. There’s the signature in all it’s glory.
How many people can say their backsides have been signed by a Harlot. I know… I’m easily amused.
I have started a pair of toe-up Monkeys using the Blue Moon Knitters Without Borders colorway. I really like the way that this is knitting up. I have seen a couple of other pairs of socks in the same yarn, and it’s funny what a difference gauge can make. All of use are getting totally different results.
I really like the way that the white strip on my socks is really narrow and really pops against the darker colors. It’s easier to see on the sole side, but try to imagine it.
Last night I acquired a new offering from Sharon of Stitch Jones. That link is to her new shop, which is almost ready for prime time. In the mean time, head over to her Etsy shop and check out some of the new colorways. Yum!
I know MY Kinkos laminates! Not sure about yours!
That’s so funny – your backsides signed by La Harlot! And just WHAT was Son #1 thinking? Pray tell? Can’t he SEE the importance of that????
Remark from Knitnana — Friday, 5/9/2008 @ 5:03 AM
I am jealous that your flat Judy made an appearance for Stephanie and I missed it –
Miss you all – it’s going to be September before I get up there again.
2Remark from Barbara — Friday, 5/9/2008 @ 5:31 AM
Kinko’s in California has a lamination machine. They don’t do the lamination themselves, but they have the plastic sheets for you to do it yourself. The largest sheet I’ve seen is legal size; I don’t know how big your Flat Judy is. ❓
3Remark from Pam — Friday, 5/9/2008 @ 5:45 AM
Well, Flat Judy was laying with backside up. I think if it had been face up, #1 Son might have hesitated before plopping stuff down on my face.
At least I hope that would be the case. 😆
4Remark from Judy — Friday, 5/9/2008 @ 7:17 AM
You are *so* funny! The Harlot signing your backside is way better than the Harlot fondling my dishcloth. Does #1 Son know about Flat Judy? He must think knitters are so crazy.
5Remark from ~Kristie — Friday, 5/9/2008 @ 4:34 PM
Once it’s laminated, it should go in the Smithsonian. Or at least the Latimer Textile Center.
I love seeing everybody’s socks in progress with the special Blue Moon yarn. My resistance is wearing down, I just may have to order a skein. And thank you for the mention, and also for joining my Ravelry group!
6Sharon aka Stitchjones
Remark from sharon — Saturday, 5/10/2008 @ 11:30 AM
I’m seriously impressed with your autographed backside! 😯
7Remark from Milly — Sunday, 5/11/2008 @ 6:28 AM