Miscellaneous Musing by Judy @ 12:33 PM
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a car in its place
a car in its place

In the scheme of things, this is a very minor annoyance. But one of my neighbors always parks The Truck in front of my house.

On my block, street parking space is at a premium. There isn’t room in front of most houses for more than one car. In front of my house to the left of the driveway, there’s room for 1-1/2 cars. That’s it. To the right, there isn’t enough room between my driveway and my neighbors driveway to comfortably fit a car. You can put a car there, but only if it hangs over into one of the driveways. So that’s where we put garbage and recycling on collection day.

Most people have more than one car and park them in their driveways. Although all of the garages are advertised as double car, in reality the house on the corner is the only garage that’s really big enough for two cars considering that most people, like this intrepid reporter, also use the garage for storage space. I like to park my car in the garage. It slots in nicely right in the middle, with stuff to either side. So parking another car in the driveway makes it impossible to get my car out.

When #1 Son lived at home, he parked in the garage when I wasn’t home and didn’t catch him at it, and parked in front of the house otherwise. When he moved out, The Truck took over.

I have no idea which neighbor owns The Truck, because I have never seen anyone actually drive it. Sometimes it is gone. Mostly it is there. It’s usually only a minor annoyance because visitors – and I don’t have that many – can park in my driveway.

It has, over the months, attained the status of capitalization. It’s not just some old truck. It’s The Truck. I sort of wish The Truck were a slightly more upscale vehicle (we’re talking old and well used, here). But it does give my house the appearance of being lived in when I’m away. So when I see it in front of my house, I sigh and go on.

Now #1 Son is out of town for 5 weeks and his car is living at my house. I insisted it live at my house because there have been issues with his car when he leaves it elsewhere — minor things like it being towed necessitating Mom bailing it out. Since my name is still on the title, it lives with me, now, when he is not using it.

The question, of course, has been… where to put it.

Not the driveway, because then I can’t get my car out without moving his.

Not in front of my house, because The Truck is there.

Not elsewhere on the street, because all the places on the block are taken.


In the end, he parked it in the tiny space between the driveways, with its rear poking out into my driveway. I’m sure it annoyed my neighbors, because it meant they had to move their garbage/recycling. (Sorry about that, neighbors!) But there just wasn’t anywhere else to put it. So there it was.

#1 Son left Monday. And the game began. I watched for The Truck to disappear. Even it it was only briefly. Just long enough to move #1 Son’s car back a bit to the other side of the driveway. Just a few minutes.

Every time I went to the front of the house, I looked out the window. Was it there? Yes. Every time I left, I looked. Every time I returned, I looked. It was there. I began to think it was a permanent fixture. I started looking out only half-heartedly, knowing that The.Truck.Would.Be.There.

Late last night I looked outside. The scene looked different. The.Truck.Was.Gone!

The picture is the scene now. #1 Son’s car is parked in front of my house. Ahhhhhh… sigh of relief. And there it can sit because I’m not driving it. It looks about like his room inside — toxic waste dump.

I have not heard from #1 Son yet. But I’m sure he’s OK and got to Brazil safely. If not, I’d surely hear from the State Department or someone, right?

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Stuff I Gotta Do

Follow The Leader shawl


entrelac wrap


Arabesque shawl


Jubjub Bird Socks


I Mog Di


Peacock Feather Shawl


Honeybee Stole


Irtfa'a Faroese Shawl




Fatigues henley sweater


Jade Sapphire Scarf


#1 Son's Blanket


Cotton Bag
