Long ago I pondered on these little mysteries, but none of them have ever been explained. If you have any insight, gentle reader, please don’t hesitate to share it.
Why does the top of Moo Cow’s head (just the top) smell like ketchup? Except when it smells like flowers? It has since she was a kitten. She’s an indoor cat with access to neither ketchup (really) nor flowers (usually). But there it is. Both of the other cats smell like… cat.
Why do spoons disappear, but not knives or forks?
Why do the cups multiply in the cupboards, but I can never find a clean glass? No, they’re not in the dishwasher either. Is there a wormhole in the time-space continuum that sucks up glasses? Or are they out cavorting with the spoons (seems an unlikely pairing)?
Why is it that a medium pizza isn’t enough for two (when one is a teenager) but a large is way too much? Can’t the pizza places sell a medium-large? We have never been a cold-pizza-eating family.
Where did my Cat Stevens CD go? I’ve been looking for it for more than three years. Believe me, it’s not #1 Son’s type of music.
When their fibers and colors are so gorgeous, why can’t Noro sell a skein of yarn that doesn’t have a knot in the middle (starting over with a random color), and that isn’t full of sticks and twigs and random ickiness?
Some things in life, it appears, are just not explainable.
And just why is it that wire hangers multiply like rabbits; so much so that I carted them by the bag full to Goodwill. But plastic ones don’t and I have to keep buying them, even though I give loads of clothes to Goodwill on those blasted wire hangers?
Why, oh why, have I bought 4 “Classic Queen” cds (that I can specifically REMEMBER BUYING) and yet, do not have a single one in the house, the car, or the office?
And why is it, when my working yarn has a myterious break between my project and the ball, does my dog have that innocent look on his face?
1Remark from Bobbie — Saturday, 11/24/2007 @ 4:50 PM
I will give you spoons if you will give me forks. I had to buy forks in a generic pattern after most of my 12-piece set of salad forks plus regular forks went missing.
As with everything else, I blame my children…
2Remark from Betsy — Saturday, 11/24/2007 @ 5:27 PM
I absolutely agree with the wire coat hangers multiplying. My own theory is that pencils crawl back into the closets and metamorphosize into coat hangers. It’s the only explanation I’ve been able to come up with.
3Remark from Judy — Saturday, 11/24/2007 @ 6:16 PM
Alas, I can no longer use my child as an excuse… although I admit that I don’t think we’ve lost many spoons since he moved out.
But that doesn’t explain the glasses.
4Remark from Judy — Saturday, 11/24/2007 @ 6:17 PM
Reminds me of “And the dish ran away with the spoon”
5Remark from Jenni — Saturday, 11/24/2007 @ 11:16 PM