Knitting |Miscellaneous Musing by Judy @ 9:17 AM

socks at Tangle

Last night was the last class in my current sock class series. Three pairs of socks were born last night. I find that extraordinarily delightful!

And, even better yet, they all fit! (whew)

They should all fit, given the techniques that I use in the classes. But I have to admit that I sort of breath a sigh of relief when the socks actually do fit.

You can see the Spanish Lavender Basket Wave socks on the low table in the foreground, where I had flung them when I decided that I really, really, really needed a picture of the class right this very minute because they were all such wonderful, bright students (as all my students are) and the was the last class and I might not teach another series for a couple of months and my hands hurt and I couldn’t knit very well. But mostly I wanted the picture.

Be sure to click on the pic to see the sock knitters in a bigger version.

Bob The Sock

The other picture is Bob The Sock

Bobby is a little sample sock that I knit from various worsted-weight left-overs that were hanging about in my stash. The different colors are meant to show the different parts of a sock and how they all fit together. Then we talk about how now we’re going to knit that green part, and the heel turn isn’t all that scary when you see that it’s just this tiny little white triangle.

Bob and I are old friends. When not in service in a class, he lives in the plastic bag you can see on the floor in the first pic, along with various samples and demos that I show my classes. And it all lives, along with calculators and pencils and whatnot, stuffed inside a Pendleton bag that I picked up for about $10 at an outlet mall.

LeAnne asks: But fill me in on the new yarn!

I don’t remember the name of the new yarn. But it’s hand dyed in smallish batches by a smallish company and it has lovely colorways. The sock yarn has an interesting tight twist that I’m eager to try. I’m thinking that the socks will be sturdy and not much subject to either felting or shrinking, and the stitch definition should be lovely.

(Really LeAnne — Your child’s lacrosse game over knitting? Well… OK… I guess I can understand that. 😛 )

#1 Son will be home today, back from gallivanting around the North America for the last month.

I will be very, very glad to see #1 Son again. I have missed him very much.

But we will be having a little discussion about What Responsible Automobile Ownership Really Means And Why It Does Not Involve Your Mother Bailing Out Your Car After It Has Been Towed Or Paying Your Tickets.

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Stuff I Gotta Do

Follow The Leader shawl


entrelac wrap


Arabesque shawl


Jubjub Bird Socks


I Mog Di


Peacock Feather Shawl


Honeybee Stole


Irtfa'a Faroese Shawl




Fatigues henley sweater


Jade Sapphire Scarf


#1 Son's Blanket


Cotton Bag
