Knitting by Judy @ 10:47 AM
Clapotis # 2

It’s been a long time since this project last saw the light of day. It was one of my unfinished projects of 2005 (yes, you read that correctly), and I don’t recall working on it much at all last year. But you can see that it’s grown quite a bit since the last time it was in the public eye.

This is Clapotis #2 in Elsebeth Lavold Silky Tweed color #13 (Cool Blue). It rather resembles faded denim in real life.

Since I’ve made it a resolution to knit socks only with my classes until I deal with some of my UFOs, and since the sock class was postponed due to inclement weather, I was forced into a non-sock project (hence the reason for the resolution). This was the only UFO that really could be considered mindless knitting.

And why was mindless knitting required?

Well… there’s this thing about technology. I like technology. It brings light and warmth to my house, lets me talk to friends and loved ones that are far away, brings the world in the form of the internet right into my house, enables my self-indulgence in the form of this little blog. So I like technology. But…

… it also lets me work from home.

That means that a concept like snow day which means a day off for many people, means that I get to do the same work as I usually do every day, except in my sweats and with knitting in hand (and usually a cat in my lap). But, since I am working, knitting must not interfere with my ability to produce the desired outcome, and therefore must be mindless.

Plus… By Thursday afternoon when the snow finally melted enough that I could drive, I had succumbed to the cold that #1 Son was so helpful in sharing with me — and with all his friends and coworkers, apparently.

Oh, you got my cold, Mom? That sucks. Yeah… everybody is getting the same cold I had. Does your throat hurt? Are you coughing? Aches? Chills? It’s a really horrid cold.

Oh really? I never noticed.

But, by the magic of technology, on Friday when there were meetings to attend and work to be done… I could do it from home. Sick day? Pshaw

So Clapotis #2 has gotten quite a bit of attention the last few days. It’s almost up to the 40% finished that I optimistically estimated when I added it to the progress bars in the right-hand sidebar. In reality, it was probably closer to 15% complete. I did do something smart when I started this project (wonders will never cease). I bought 6 skeins of yarn. The increases were worked with one skein. The plan is to work the straight part using 4 skeins. Then, when there is just one skein left, I’ll work the decrease section. So I have no idea how many repeats of the pattern I’ll actually do, but I know I’ll have enough yarn.

Based on the length of the 2-1/2 skeins I’ve currently knit into it, I’m estimating that it’s going to be between 66″ and 72″ when complete. I wanted a big wrap to take to work, where sometimes it’s just as cold in summer as it is in winter. Looks like this is going to be big enough!

Maybe 5 skeins would have been sufficient? 🙄

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Stuff I Gotta Do

Follow The Leader shawl


entrelac wrap


Arabesque shawl


Jubjub Bird Socks


I Mog Di


Peacock Feather Shawl


Honeybee Stole


Irtfa'a Faroese Shawl




Fatigues henley sweater


Jade Sapphire Scarf


#1 Son's Blanket


Cotton Bag
