Food |Knitting |On The Road by Judy @ 8:56 PM
Mudstone socks

The Mudstone socks were finished today just in time to catch the last of the late afternoon light. They are visiting the honeysuckle growing on what I like to call the “ugly fence.”

Frank Lloyd Wright once said something like… a doctor can bury his mistakes, but an architect can only plant vines. I’m not responsible for the ugly fence. My former neighbors were. I have no idea why they felt compelled to build a fence that doesn’t match any other fence in the neighborhood. But I liked them. They were nice people. I planted vines.

So, the Mudstone socks are finished. I’m OK with how they came out. They’re not my favorite pair of socks. But I like the colors and they fit very well. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do at the top. After futzing around for awhile, I finally just did a 1×1 rib using the Mudslide color, topped with a crochet bind-off.

it’s supposed to say SOCK

Here is the shadow knitting revealed in all its hard-to-read glory. Use your imagination just a little here, please. Tilt your head slightly to the right. Starting from just above the heel and going up the right side, it says SOCK. Now tilt your head slightly to the left. Starting at the top and going down the left side, it says SOCK. See it? Do you? Click on the pic for the biggy version.

Yeah… not that successful, eh? When they’re on, I can’t read it at all. Oh well.

Shall we call it purl as you go? 🙄

There won’t be much bloggage for the next few days.

blueberry cheesecake tartlet

Remember how desserts is stressed spelled backwards? Yeah, well… I’ve been hitting the desserts pretty hard lately.

So I’m heading off for a much needed and long over due little jaunt away from town. I’m heading up north to the fair city of Victoria, BC. If you have never had the chance to visit Victoria, it’s a charming city where almost everywhere is within walking distance or a short bus hop. The weather is lovely and the people are friendly and I always have a wonderful time there. Also, there is Lush and Roger’s Chocolates, and I hear there might even be a yarn store! 😉

Victoria also has the advantage of not being terribly far away from home, and at the end of a ride on my two favorite forms of transportation: trains and boats. I could drive to Victoria. But why do that when I can take a train and a catamaran?

If I can find an internet cafe in Victoria, I’ll check in with y’all. If not, I won’t be gone very long. Just a short out-of-town break.

#1 Son isn’t going with me. He has to work. And it’s good that he has a job. But I’m sorry he can’t go.

The blueberry cheesecake tartlet is courtesy of the bakery where #1 Son is employed. I really felt like I should have presented it in a somewhat more arty fashion, rather than just tossing it down on the table. But in the end I just took a picture and then ate it. Yeah… it was that good.

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Stuff I Gotta Do

Follow The Leader shawl


entrelac wrap


Arabesque shawl


Jubjub Bird Socks


I Mog Di


Peacock Feather Shawl


Honeybee Stole


Irtfa'a Faroese Shawl




Fatigues henley sweater


Jade Sapphire Scarf


#1 Son's Blanket


Cotton Bag
