Ugh. Did anyone else watch the Bush interview last night? I think it was on 20/20, or maybe 60 Minutes.
The man had obviously been coached. And just as obviously he kept forgetting his lines. Maybe it’s tougher without a teleprompter? He didn’t really answer any questions. He talked around a lot of issues. He downplayed the fact that most of the rest of the world hates our guts. He said we have a lot of allies, but after much pondering could only come up with three. He said that our economy is back on track and strong. Well… I guess you would think that if you were an oil man. The oil companies are in the midst of record profits. Which is, no doubt, why Shrub refuses to release some of the national reserve in order to bring the price down at the pumps.
What was painfully clear was that he has no plan and no policy, and that he thinks it’s way cool that he’s President, and that we’re all going to pay and pay and keep right on paying so that Georgie boy can keep having fun.
I found myself wanting to sing along, “If I only had a brain!”
And he has the audacity — the audacity — to question Kerry’s patriotism. When he, all by himself, has gotten embroiled in a stupid war that we can’t win in a country where we shouldn’t be (can you spell “Vietnam”?), and from which our soldiers are not not being allowed to return. Not to mention attrocities like the “Patriot” act. What, I ask you, is at all “patriotic” about denying basic constitutional liberties to US citizens?
I want my country back!
I’m also really tired.
On the other hand, the weather picture in the corner of the site is showing lightening. That’s my favorite one. It looks cool. I’ve got to get those little gifs redone. And now that I’ve got WordPress up and running, I don’t have much of an excuse not to.