What a day today!
It snowed 6″ at my house and I was completely trapped in. See the picture?
Mt. St. Helens is erupting and Mt. Hood is rumbling. A scientist has predicted that all of the Cascade volcanoes are likely to explode any day now.
President Bush announced new surcharges on wool. We know those knitters won’t mind paying a little extra. They probably won’t even notice, he said as he sign the new Take Their Wool and Run bill into law.
All three of my cats existed peacefully together today with no squabbles or spats.
The major oil companies decided that they didn’t really need such large profits and the price of gas dropped instantly to $0.50 per gallon.
#1 Son has decided to give up his rock ‘n roll lifestyle and study accounting.
And I finished the clown barf stripy socks.
April fools. 😀